A small degree of inner peace has been achieved!
Winging it
Yikes! It’s 1st February and my bullet journal for the new year is still in its cellophane. This means that I’ve been basically winging it since the start of the year, relying on my memory to keep track of things that need to be done. And yet I know this is a recipe for disaster; there’s only so much stuff I can keep track of mentally and as new things crop up, old ones are inevitably going to get forgotten.
This rather sums up my flawed approach to organising myself; I don’t take the time to prepare and plan things in advance even though doing so will save time in the long run. The reason being that I’m still trying to catch up on the stuff I should already have got finished a while ago…
It has to be said that I’m fairly clear on the current big stuff as I cheated and made a list of it in my old journal. However the routine chaff is being badly handled; for instance, I realised yesterday that I had forgotten to pay our gardener for the month of January. And then simply forgot about it again, until this evening. Arghh!
So, tomorrow morning’s task will be to start my new journal…